ABSTRACT:Mastering both Arabic learning method and material substance should be done simultaneously. The fact shows that teachers are always facing new method and required to evaluate method they have implemented. In the other hand, they are also experiencing difficulties when implementing the method with no strong mastery of materials. Therefore, the two are should be mastered by teachers simultaneously. This paper discusses at least four considerations to implement eclectic method. The method which is considered having excellence in a time may be considered having shortcoming in another time. The implementation of Arabic language, particularly, is supervised and corrected by the sticking coach directly. Correcting and improving students" ability in Arabic language require a long process, not all incorrectness can be corrected directly, since the improvement of language requires times, stages and coach"s wisdom to motivate and guide the students. Finally, this paper presented that each of the very great number of methods existing, obviously, has its excellences and shortcomings.