With the rapid development of the radar-guided air-to-air missile, its precision strike capability has seriously threatened the survival of fighter aircraft. To address this problem, the jamming model of towed decoy to the radar-guided air-to-air missile is established. The influencing factors of the interference effect of towed bait are studied in this paper. Firstly, the characteristics of the radar-guided air-to-air missile are analyzed, and the missile motion model is established according to the kinematic principle of the missile. Then, combined with the towed decoy jamming technology model and the missile model, the influence of factors such as dry letter ratio and confrontation situation on jamming effectiveness is compared and analyzed. Finally, the usage rules of towed bait in air combat are obtained. The effectiveness of towed decoys against radar-guided air-to-air missiles is verified by simulation experiments, which can provide a reference scheme for pilots to get rid of enemy locks quickly.