The article investigates the coverage achievable by three different network configurations for delivering high quality multicast video services to mobiles: conventional broadcast High Power High Tower (HPHT), mobile cellular Low Power Low Tower (LPLT), and mixed structures. Different spectrum efficiencies, transmitter distance and power, and receiver characteristics are considered, representing a range of possible network scenarios. The study actually models generic radio interfaces with particular characteristics. Nevertheless, the choice of the parameters reflects configurations in use in 4G or currently under discussion for 5G, preferred over similar/better performing DVB T2Lite or NGH (Next Generation Handheld) broadcast technologies, to facilitate the user terminal implementation (smartphones and tablets). The results clearly indicate that the best solution in terms of Capex/ Opex for running the network is represented by the cooperative approach where most of the rural/suburban coverage is provided by the HPHT network and the LPLT cellular networks are used to complete the coverage, especially in densely populated urban areas. This allows avoiding the installation and operation of thousands of LPLT transmitters, with a very significant reduction of the corresponding network costs.