Case of a 15-year-old teenage girl with the past medical his tory of imperforate hymen and hematometrocolpos for which she had hymenoplasty and drainage of hematometrocolpos presented to local primary care physician and pediatrician following two days of worsening general ill feeling, confusion, malaise, body aches, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, high fever with chills, significant light-headedness with hypotension. Urine analysis showed 30-40 white blood cells and positive for nitrites concerning for a urinary tract infection.The primary care physician and pediatrician administered intravenous fluids and a dose of intravenous co-amoxiclav antibiotic and transferred her to the emergency room. Upon transfer to the emergency room, it was noted that this young girl was on day 4 of her menstrual cycle, has been on a long tour and had a forgotten retained tampon in place for approximately 30 hours. Tampon which had foul smell was removed immediately and vaginal swab was taken.