Chemistry and toxicity of produced water (PW) from offshore platforms operated by Petrobras in Brazil were investigated. Three studies -PW monitoring, detailed composition and temporal variability -were conducted during 1996, 2001 and 2006 Median chronic toxicity using Lytechinus variegatus showed a NOEC = 1.3%. These results for Brazilian PW are similar to those for the North Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Australia and other regions of the world. Dispersion plumes modelled using CORMIX and CHEMMAP predicted that PW can be diluted rapidly after discharge and that permissible levels for all chemical parameters in seawater cited in the Brazilian Resolution CONAMA 357/05 are attained within 500 m of the discharge point. Over 10 years (1998-2010) of monitoring in the vicinity of the Brazilian platforms did not show alterations in sea water quality, supporting the predictions of the dispersion plume modelling. Despite no observed alteration in seawater quality around oil and gas production platforms, the authors recognize the importance of continuous evaluation of the impact of PW discharges from a risk assessment perspective, and studies of bioaccumulation and the use of biomarkers, among other initiatives currently implemented by Petrobras in areas with large volumes of PW discharge. Up to and including 2011, Petrobras remains the major producer of oil and gas in Brazil and the total discharge of produced water by the country is essentially the volume that is discharged by offshore Petrobras operations. In 2005, the average total volume of PW discharged offshore on the Brazilian coast was 73 million m 3 /year, representing less than 3% PW discharged onto other oceans worldwide.