Abstract-The aging spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is a model in which the transition from chronic stable left ventricular hypertrophy to overt heart failure can be observed. Although the mechanisms for impaired function in hypertrophied and failing cardiac muscle from the SHR have been studied, none accounts fully for the myocardial contractile abnormalities. The cardiac cytoskeleton has been implicated as a possible cause for myocardial dysfunction.If an increase in microtubules contributes to dysfunction, then myocardial microtubule disruption by colchicine should promote an improvement in cardiac performance. We studied the active and passive properties of isolated left ventricular papillary muscles from 18-to 24-month-old SHR with evidence of heart failure (SHR-F, nϭ6), age-matched SHR without heart failure (SHR-NF, nϭ6), and age-matched normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY, nϭ5). Mechanical parameters were analyzed before and up to 90 minutes after the addition of colchicine (10 Ϫ5 , 10 Ϫ4 , and 10