O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar se a exposição aguda ao ditelureto de difenila [(PhTe) 2 ] causaria prejuízo no desenvolvimento comportamental de filhotes de ratos. Os filhotes receberam uma injeção subcutânea de (PhTe) 2 (0,1 mg kg -1 , 3 mL kg -1 ) ou veículo (3 mL kg -1 ) no 14º dia após o nascimento (DPN). Do 15º ao 21º DPN, foram realizados testes comportamentais nos filhotes e, imediatamente após estes testes, os filhotes foram submetidos à eutanásia. As análises histológicas, a determinação do conteúdo de mielina e a atividade da acetilcolinesterase (AChE) foram realizadas. O período crítico de intoxicação ocorreu no 4º e 5º dias após a injeção de (PhTe) 2 , quando os sinais de toxicidade foram mais evidentes, caracterizados pelo aparecimento de sinais sistêmicos de toxicidade, disfunções comportamentais, neurotoxicidade e uma alteração no sistema colinérgico. Desta forma, conclui-se que o (PhTe) 2 induziu neurotoxicidade e prejuízos no desenvolvimento comportamental de filhotes de ratos.The purpose of the present study was to investigate if acute exposure to diphenyl ditelluride (PhTe) 2 causes impairment of developmental behavioral performance in rat pups. Rat pups received a single subcutaneous injection of (PhTe) 2 (0.1 mg kg -1 , 3 mL kg -1 ) or vehicle (3 mL kg -1 ) at 14 th postnatal day. After exposure to (PhTe) 2 , the general parameters of neurotoxicity, behavioral tasks, cerebral myelin content, histological analysis and acetilcholinesterase (AChE) activity were performed during seven days. The appearance of classic signs of toxicity, behavioral alterations and the reduction in myelin content were dependent on the time after (PhTe) 2 exposure to pups. Neuronal damage, reduction of myelin content, and the increase in AChE activity occurred mainly at 4 th and 5 th day after (PhTe) 2 exposure, indicating that the critical period of neurotoxicity is coincident with the major behavioral alterations. In conclusion, exposure to (PhTe) 2 induced neurotoxicity and impairment of developmental behavioral in rat pups.Keywords: tellurium, neurotoxicity, developmental behavioral, myelin, acetylcholinesterase
IntroductionTellurium (Te) is a metalloid with increasing utilization in rubber, metallurgic and electronics industry because of its unique chemical and physical properties. Similarly, the use of organic Te compounds will increase due to its importance in organic synthesis.1,2 Thus, the incidence of occupational exposure to Te either in elemental, organic or inorganic form has growing rapidly, but the biochemistry and clinical significance of such exposure are poorly understood.Diphenyl ditelluride (PhTe) 2 is an organotellurium compound widely used as intermediate in organic synthesis.2 Besides its use as an organic reactant, (PhTe) 2 has been reported as a neurotoxic compound in adult rodents.3-5 (PhTe) 2 , administered to dams, is teratogenic to rat fetuses, changes behavioral parameters related to neural function and causes oxidative stress in cerebral areas in young rats. [6][7][8] Moretto an...