This study described an outbreak of necrohemorrhagic enteritis in a beef cattle feedlot in Nova Crixás, State of Goiás, Brazil, with emphasis on epidemiological, lesional, and laboratory aspects. Visits to the property were carried out and a necroscopic examination was performed on the bovine cadavers (N=57), which presented similar macroscopic alterations. Epidemiological data were collected, mainly referring to the feeding management of animals, and tissue samples were submitted to histopathological examination. Samples of feces and intestinal contents were also collected for bacterial isolation and PCR genotyping to detect the etiological agent, being confirmed Clostridium perfringens type A strains in 100% of the samples. Furthermore, 33.3% of strains isolated from intestinal contents and 40% of those isolated from feces were positive for beta-2 encoding gene. Considering the history, macroscopic and microscopic findings, as well as bacterial isolation and PCR, the diagnosis of bovine necrohemorrhagic enteritis was determined.