The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the outcome of combined cataract extraction and trabeculectomy, and to determine whether it is a safe, effective procedure for patients in whom cataract and glaucoma coexist.Trabeculectomy has been shown to be a safe, effective operation in both open-and closed-angle glaucoma1 2 and to a lesser extent in secondary glaucoma.3 A small study by Thyer and Wilson4 reported encouraging results when trabeculectomy was combined with cataract extraction for glaucoma patients with lens opacities. Further follow-up studies56 confirmed the efficacy of this procedure, but numbers were small in the first study, and the period of follow-up was only 3 months in the second. Midland Eye Hospital by consultant staff and junior staff in training. The 59 eyes have been followed up for a minimum of 6 months; of these, 51 have been followed up for 12 months and 28 for 2 years. Most of the patients were over the age of 60 years (age range 23-87 years; mean age 69 years).