A review of high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) instrumentation, techniques, and methodologies for the deter mination of trace organic compounds in water is presented. The review includes approaches to sample cleanup or analyte isola tion for those compounds likely to be candidates for analysis by HPLC. Column technology, as it contributes to the use of HPLC for trace organic analyses, is discussed. Finally, various tech niques for quantitative and qualitative detection of analytes are discussed.
"W • Τ HAT IS IN THIS WATER?"This seemingly simple, yet horrendously complex question is being posed by increasing numbers of well-in formed and not so well-informed individuals. In the recent U.S. Envi ronmental Protection Agency (USEPA) report, "National Water Quality Inventory Report to Congress", two issues of national concern were identified: (1) pollution resulting from toxic substances and (2) con tamination and depletion of ground water. More than half the states reported ground water problems stemming from waste disposal, landfill seepage, and excessive depletion of ground water supplies. A diverse collection of highly skilled scientists and engineers will be needed to effectively address these ubiquitous problems and to provide meaning ful answers to the question "What is in this water?"As more people ask this question, a greater burden will fall on the