Heavy metals in respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM) were analyzed for different seasons, from July 2002 to December 2002, at different locations in Hisar (Haryana, India). The samples were analyzed for Pb, As, Ni, Cu, Mn, Fe and Mg on atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) in air-acetylene flame. The concentration of heavy metals was more in the studied residential area followed by industrial area and commercial area. The concentrations of Fe, As, Ni and Mn were found to be more compared to other metals. Further, the concentrations of all the heavy metals were higher in pre-monsoon (extended summer) and monsoon followed by post-monsoon, autumn and winter. Meteorology played an important role in concentration of heavy metals in RSPM. Turbulent conditions resulted in higher concentration owing to re-suspension and external input whereas, low wind speed, low temperature and high relative humidity favoured low concentration of the pollutants. The evaluation of enrichment factor revealed that Pb, As, Ni, Cu, and Mn are emitted, chiefly from anthropogenic sources and Fe and Mg are associated with natural sources.