(UF). Many individuals representing USGS, USFWS, UF, and other organizations contributed substantially during the conduct of the investigation. C. Bunck (USGS) managed the BEST program and S. Finger coordinated most of the work at CERC. M. Wilson (USFWS-Albuquerque) and C. Lee (USFWS-Corpus Christi) supervised field portions of the study. Chemical analyses were conducted at labora tories operated by Mississippi State University and the Research Triangle Institute through contracts managed by the Patuxent Analytical Control Facility (PACF) of the USFWS; J. Moore and P. McDonald of PACF facilitated this part of the study. Laboratory analyses for biomarkers were conducted by D. Nicks and S. Birke (CERC); D. Bowling, K. Spring, and E. Frankenberry (LSC); and M. Chow and K. Kroll (UF). A. Donahue (CERC), J. Smith (USFWS, Albuquerque), D. Buckmeier (Texas Parks and Wildlife, Ingram, Texas) and E. Buckner (Missouri Department of Conservation, Columbia, Missouri) aged the fish. The study was partly funded through a Research Work Order with the USGS-Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at UF; F. Percival, Unit Leader, and T. Gross of the USGS Florida-Integrated Science Center facilitated this agreement. A. Donahue also managed the data and prepared report graphics. P. Anderson assisted with the preparation of the maps and obtained data and information from extant sources. N. Bauch and C. Crawford (USGS-Colorado and Indiana Water Resources District Offices, respectively) obtained and summarized the NASQAN data as part of an ongoing project. B. Wright (Oregon Department of Fish and Game, Cor vallis, Oregon) and M. Ellersieck (University of Missouri-Columbia) assisted with statistical analyses. D. Buckler (USGS-CERC), M.