Metal concentrations in fish otolithsABSTRACT Juvenile sand g o b~e s Pomatosch~stus mlnutus, plaice Pleuronectes platessa, and sole Solea solea were exposed to high or low levels of mercury or lead for 45 d In the laboratory Points on the otollth corresponding to the core (pre-treatment), the start of exposure, midway through the exposure, and the termmation of exposure were sampled and analysed by laser ablat~on -inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) There were significant Increases In the metal content of the goby and sole otoliths after exposure to mercuiy or lead, and the differences between the treatment levels for each element weie significant Plaice otol~ths showed little increase in metal accumulat~on, and the difference between treatments was not sign~ficant The relationship between exposule level, otolith metal concentration, and the metal concentration in flsh muscle t i s s u~ was complex In general, lead accumulated faster in the otolith and uptake was higher at low exposuic levels Mercury concentlations in fish tissue generally paralleled the concentration measured in the otoliths and the exposure level Lead concentratlons in f~s h otol~ths were inversely related to t~s s u e concentratlons KEY WORDS: Otolith microchemistry . Heavy metals . Otollth composition
INTRODUCTIONFish otoliths are composed primarily of calcium carbonate formed by the accumulation of crystals on an organic matrix. During formation, trace levels of numerous other elements are incorporated ~n t o either the organic or inorganic portion of the otolith. The concentrations of these trace elements are thought to be influenced pr~marily by the environmental conditions experienced by the fish. For example, variations in the ratios of strontium to calcium (Radtke & Targett 1984, Radtke 1989, Radtke & Shafer 1992, iron to calcium (Gauld~e et al. 1980), and the oxygen isotopes 1 6 0 to "0 (Kalish 1991b, Iacumin et al. 1992 have been linked to variations in water temperature experienced by the fish. Changes in these ratios have also been used to demonstrate the migratory patterns of anadramous and estuarine-dependent fishes (Nelson et al. 1989, Lecomte-Finiger 1992, Northcote et al. 1992, Secor 1992, Thorrold et al. 1997. Cyclic variations in the trace element composition across otolith sections have been used to verify ageing by comparison with visible annuli (Radtke & Targett 1984, Seyama et al. 1991, Radtke et al. 1993. Radioisotope ratios have also been measured to determine the age of otolith cores and thus verify ages determined by visual bands, or to determine longevity in certain species (Campana et al. 1990, 1993, Fenton & Short 1992, Kalish 1993.More detailed studies of otolith composition have made use of analytical techniques with very low detection limits for a wide range of elements. These studies have demonstrated that otoliths naturally contain many trace elements, including heavy metals, and that there are consistent differences in the composition of the otoliths for fish inhabiting different areas....