Granites, among them three generations of microline-rich granites, intruded repeatedly between 1 600 and 900 Ma in the South-western Swedish Gneiss Complex. The deformed and metamorphosed G6sta and Sundsta granites are medium-grained, pale greyish red rocks belonging to the oldest generation of microclinerich granites.Biotite dominates over hornblende. Allanite, titanite, apatite and zircon are important accessory minerals. The granites are metaluminous and syeno-to monzogranitic in composition. SiO2 varies between 70.4 and 78.7% and KzO/Na20 between 0.86 and 2.32. Na and K are poorly correlated with the other major elements. The rocks are low in MgO (< 0.9%) and FeO (< 3.6%). They are characterized by high Rb/Sr, Ba/Sr and Ba/Rb ratios. The ratio Nb/Ta is almost constant (,~ 12) and the ratio A1/Ga decreases slightly with increasing SiO2 content. The G6sta granite has small, negative Eu anomalies, differentiated light and almost flat heavy rare earth element patterns. It intruded into continental crust approximately 1560 Ma ago. It is argued that the granites formed from continental rocks by pseudoeutectic partial melting at a fairly shallow depth. The source is older than the dominant country rock.