In recent papers, 1,2 the friction and diffusion coefficients of a tracer in a Lennard-Jones (LJ) solvent (N=32,000) were evaluated by equilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in a micro-canonical ensemble. The solvent molecules of diameter σ 1 interact with each other through a repulsive LJ force and the tracer of diameter σ 2 interacts with the solvent molecules through the same repulsive LJ force except a different LJ size or diameter parameter. Positive deviation of the diffusion coefficient (D) of the tracer from a Stokes-Einstein behavior was observed and the plot of 1/D versus σ 2 showed a linear behavior. It was also observed that the friction coefficient ζ of the tracer varies linearly with σ 2 in accord with the prediction of the Stokes law but showed a smaller slope than the Stokes prediction. When the values of ratios (σ 2 /σ 1 ) of sizes between the tracer and solvent molecules are higher than 5 approximately, the behavior of the friction and diffusion coefficients is well described by the Einstein relation,from which the tracer is considered as a Brownian particle, where k is the Boltzmann constant and T the absolute temperature.When the tracers have a quasi-macroscopic size, the Stokes law can be derived from hydrodynamic arguments. It gives an expression of the friction coefficientwhere R 2 is the radius of the diffusing particle and C is the hydrodynamic boundary condition which is 4 for 'slip' and 6 for 'stick'. Above two Eqs. (1) and (2) combines to give the StokesEinstein (SE) formula, .This relation has been verified experimentally in great detail 4 and is theoretically well understood.5 If the size of the diffusing particle is not large compared with that of the solvent molecule, the Stokes-Einstein formula is not expected to remain valid.The first attempt to determine the range of the size and mass values of the solute particles where the solute diffusion coefficient is well estimated from the SE formula was done by Ould-Kaddour and Levesque 6 carrying out a MD simulation. They found that positive deviations from the SE formula are observed as the size ratio or the mass ratio of the tracer to the solvent molecules is lowered, and that for equal masses of solvent and tracer molecules the crossover to the hydrodynamics regimes is found to occur when the size ratio is about 4.
6Later on, another MD simulations was performed by Willeke 7 to investigate the mass ratio dependence of the tracer self-diffusion coefficient as a function of density and length diameter ratio σ 2 /σ 1 . He concluded that for σ 2 /σ 1 > 1 the SE prediction is not valid for mass ratios 1/16 ≤ m 2 / m 1 ≤ 50, and that for σ 2 /σ 1 > 2 and for m 2 /m 1 < 1 the SE regime is reached for smaller densities than for the same system but m 2 /m 1 > 1. The test of SE formula for the size ratio or the mass ratio of the tracer was further discussed by Sokolovskii et al.8 for hard sphere fluids, by Cappelezzo et al.9 for Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluids, by Funazukuri et al. 10 for supercritical and liquid conditions, and by Harris ...