“…The base-catalyzed hydrolysis of Co(en)2(C03)+ has been studied in several laboratories.7,9,21 There is some disagreement concerning the value of kx at high [OH"], but a figure of about 3 X 10™3 M'1 s'1 at 25 °C with AH* « 22 kcal/mol and * = 3 cal deg™1 mol™1 is consistent with all data in the base concentration range of our study and not widely different from our figures for the Co(tren)(C03)+ complex of kx = 3.6 X 10™3 M™1 s™1 at 25 °C, AH* = 17.2 ± 1.9 kcal/mol, and AS* = -12 ± 6 cal deg™1 mol™1. A further comparison is possible by use of the estimate given by Scheidegger for the ratio kx/k"x of 100 at 20 °C, i.e., the ratio of the rates of ring opening of Co(tren)(C03)+ by OH™ ion to ring closure of the hydroxo-carbonato product.…”