Magne c resonance imaging (MRI) was used to study the process of infi ltra on in an undisturbed core of coarse sandy loam during a repeated ponded infi ltra on experiment (RPI), in which the fi rst infi ltra on was conducted into a naturally dry sample and the second infi ltra on into a wet sample. The primary aim was to assess the change in distribu on of entrapped air in the undisturbed soil sample and its infl uence on steady-state fl ow rates. The RPI experiment was conducted on a sample 8.9 cm in diameter and 8.4 cm high. Concurrently with the MRI monitoring, pressure heads and fl uxes were measured. Mul pleslice maps of longitudinal relaxa on me (T1), which is a parameter related to the surface/ volume ra o, and proton density (M0), related to the water content, covered almost the en re volume of the sample. The T1 mapping was conducted during four stages of the experiment: steady-state fl ow of the fi rst (I1) and second (I2) infi ltra ons and the equilibrium stage a er drainage of the sample (Stages D1 and D2). During I1 and I2, the highest values of M0 and T1 were detected in the upper 3 cm of the sample, which is in good agreement with fi ndings of computer tomography showing lower sample density and higher porosity in this region. The drop in the quasi-steady-state fl ow rate that was observed between the I1 and I2 runs corresponded to the decline in T1 and M0 in the upper 4 cm of the sample. The decrease in T1 indicates replacement of water in large pores with trapped air, while a lower M0 signifi es a general decrease of water content in the aff ected areas.Abbrevia ons: a.u., arbitrary units; CT, computed tomography; D1 and D2, fi rst and second drainages, respec vely; I1 and I2, fi rst and second infi ltra ons, respec vely; MR, magne c resonance; MRI, magne c resonance imaging; RPI, repeated ponded infi ltra on; T1, longitudinal relaxa on me; T2, transverse relaxa on me; TE, me to echo; TR, repe on me.