The Archar-Orsoya lowland is situated in the Danube floodplain west of the town of Lom, NW Bulgaria. It is aligned in a west-east direction along the Danube River and to the south it is bounded by a high landslide slope, built of Pliocene clays and sands. Parallel to the shore, sand dunes are formed with lowered sections between them, in which there are conditions for swamping. The lowland is made up of the alluvial sediments of the Danube, represented by a lower gravelly-sandy layer and an upper sandy-clayey layer. In the gravelly-sandy layer unconfined groundwater is accumulated, with shallow water table – from 0.5 to 7 m beneath the surface. Groundwater is recharged by infiltration of precipitation, surface water and groundwater, which laterally flows into the alluvium from adjacent aquifers. At high waters, the Danube River suppresses the formed groundwater flow and temporarily feeds it. Due to the described formation conditions in the lowland, the chemical composition of groundwater is formed under the influence of intense dynamics and has a low TDS (total dissolved solids). The shallow groundwater table and the corresponding thin unsaturated zone are a prerequisite for easy groundwater contamination with components entering from the surface. Therefore, a map of depth to groundwater table is drawn to identify the most vulnerable areas.