“…Discoveries include multiple taxa of leaves, a quarry containing many articulated actinopterygian fish, metoposaurid temnospondyls, phytosaur skulls and associated skeletons, aetosaurs, "rauisuchians", skeletal remains of small as-yet unidentified tetrapods, and a diversity of tetrapod footprints (e.g., Brachychirotherium, Rhynchosauroides, Evazoum, and Gwyneddichnium; see Hunt-Foster et al, 2016). To the east, just outside of the BENM area, the same joint team has discovered a similar fossil assemblage in the Kane Springs beds and Church Rock Member in Lisbon Valley, recording leaves of ferns, bennettitaleans, and Sanmiguelia, conchostracans, ostracods, molluscs, multiple taxa of actinopterygian fish, coelacanths, metoposaurid amphibians, the phytosaur Redondasaurus, the aetosaur Typothorax, paracrocodylomorphs, and footprints from the ichnotaxa Grallator, Brachychirotherium, Apatopus, and Rhynchosauroides (Milner, 2006;Milner et al, 2006Milner et al, , 2011Gibson, 2013aGibson, , 2013bGibson, , 2015Ash et al, 2014;Martz et al, 2014;Hunt-Foster et al, 2016: figs. 6-12, table 1).…”