This paper proposes elements for the effective design and implementation of specialized information systems, specifically those, which are used by professionals from different specialties and with different perspectives for the use of information. The paper is based on an analysis of the information flow in a radiology department. It poses reflections about clinical information retrieval systems based on principles of sharing and use of information scattered in specific subsystems, in order to guarantee the necessary infrastructure for the medical teams to have access to information in real time to make integrated analyses of the clinical state of patients. This investigation is made by using the theoretical framework of Information Science, especially the information cycle, as well as the principles of organization proposed by Information Architecture. The results indicate the need to think about mechanisms for the information management, which should take into account aspects of interoperability of documents and information of different natures, generated in heterogeneous environments. It is possible to conclude that clinical documents are in a constant state of elaboration. Because of this, it requires specific actions in terms of the project and management of information services that deal with documents of such nature.