The spin-order-induced ferroelectric anti-ferromagnet Ni 3 TeO 6 transcends the magnetoelectric performance of all other single-phase multiferroics, because it exhibits non-hysteretic colossal magnetoelectric coupling [Oh et al., Nat. Commun., 5, 3201 (2014)]. We investigated spin and lattice excitations in Ni 3 TeO 6 by a combination of infrared, Raman and THz spectroscopies. Two spin excitations (near 13 and 35 cm -1 ) were observed simultaneously in Raman and time-domain THz spectra below the Néel temperature T N =53 K. We propose to assign them to electromagnons, which are activated by the dynamic magnetoelectric coupling. A third magnon is seen only in the Raman spectra near 206 cm -1 .