Statistical network analysis plays a critical role in managing the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infodemic such as addressing community detection and rumor source detection problems in social networks. As the data underlying infodemiology are fundamentally huge graphs and statistical in nature, there are computational challenges to the design of graph algorithms and algorithmic speedup. A framework that leverages cloud computing is key to designing scalable data analytics for infodemic control. This paper proposes the MEGA framework, which is a novel joint hierarchical clustering and parallel computing technique that can be used to process a variety of computational tasks in large graphs. Its unique feature lies in using statistical machine learning to exploit the inherent statistics of data to accelerate computation. Our MEGA framework consists of first pruning, followed by hierarchical clustering based on geodesic distance and then parallel computing, lending itself readily to parallel computing software, e.g., MapReduce or Hadoop. In particular, we illustrate how our MEGA framework computes two representative graph problems for infodemic control, namely network motif counting for community detection and network centrality computation for rumor source detection. Interesting special cases of optimal tuning in the MEGA framework are identified based on geodesic distance characterization and random graph model analysis. Finally, we evaluate its performance using cloud software implementation and real-world graph datasets to demonstrate its computational efficiency over existing state of the art.