Abstract:The utilization of video surveillance systems is becoming common and is expected to more widespread as societies become more complex and the population continues to grow. The implementation of these video surveillance systems has provided valuable information and assistance in monitoring large areas. These systems typically use human operators to determine human behavior and to manually track people or objects of interest over an array of cameras. With the application of computers with video surveillance, real time surveillance of large public areas, people and their activities has been made possible for monitoring and security. The main contribution of this paper is to show the effect of color space on tracking methods in video surveillance. Results from evaluations on different tracking methods have indicated that YCbCr and HSV color spaces have better tracking ability compared to grayscale and RGB color spaces. In addition, the results from evaluations have also indicated that data from selected layers in some color spaces can be used for the purpose of tracking namely the Cb and Cr layers from the YCbCr color space and the H layer from the HSV color space.Keywords: Video, Tracking, Video Surveillance, Tracking Metrics, Color space
IntroductionThe utilization of video surveillance systems is becoming common and is expected to more widespread as societies become more complex and the population continues to grow. In utilizing video surveillance in a large scale environment, it leads to problems in recognizing human behavior and tracking people over an array of cameras. The task of recognizing human behavior is difficult by itself and in adding the task of tracking a particular person or persons over an array of cameras makes the task even more difficult for a human operator.The motivation of this paper is to show how different color spaces effects the tracking performance of a video surveillance system. The paper is divided into 6 sections. Section 2 covers the fundamental background information related to colour spaces of images. Section 3 covers recent and related research work in tracking methodologies. Section 4 covers the experimental setup for evaluating the effect on tracking performance on different colour spaces. Section 5 covers the results of the experiments done in determining tracking performance in different colour spaces.