Characterising tractable fragments of the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) is an important challenge in theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence. Forbidding patterns (generic sub-instances) provides a means of defining CSP fragments which are neither exclusively language-based nor exclusively structure-based. It is known that the class of binary CSP instances in which the broken-triangle pattern (BTP) does not occur, a class which includes all tree-structured instances, are decided by arc consistency (AC), a ubiquitous reduction operation in constraint solvers. We provide a characterisation of simple partially-ordered forbidden patterns which have this AC-solvability property. It turns out that BTP is just one of five such AC-solvable patterns. The four other patterns allow us to exhibit new tractable classes.
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COOPER ANDŽIVNÝA substantial body of work exists from the past two decades on applications of universal algebra in the computational complexity of and the applicability of algorithmic paradigms to CSPs. Moreover, a number of celebrated results have been obtained through this method; see [2] for a recent survey. However, the algebraic approach to CSPs is only applicable to language-based CSPs, that is, classes of CSPs defined by the set of allowed constraint relations but with arbitrary interactions of the constraint scopes. For instance, the well-known 2-SAT problem is a class of language-based CSPs on the Boolean domain {0, 1} with all constraint relations being binary, that is, of arity at most two.On the other side of the spectrum are structure-based CSPs, that is, classes of CSPs defined by the allowed interactions of the constraint scopes but with arbitrary constraint relations. Here the methods that have been successfully used to establish complete complexity classifications come from graph theory [28,33].The complexity of CSPs that are neither language-based nor structure-based, and thus are often called hybrid CSPs, is much less understood; see [9,20] for recent surveys. One approach to hybrid CSPs that has been rather successful studies the classes of CSPs defined by forbidden patterns; that is, by forbidding certain generic subinstances. The focus of this paper is on such CSPs. We remark that we deal with binary CSPs but, unlike in most papers on (the algebraic approach to) language-based CSPs, the domain is not fixed and is part of the input.An example of a pattern is given in Figure 1(a) on page 5. This is the so-called broken triangle pattern (BTP) [16] (a formal definition is given in Section 2). BTP is an example of a tractable pattern, which means that the class of all binary CSP instances in which BTP does not occur is solvable in polynomial time. The class of CSP instances defined by forbidding BTP includes, for instance, all tree-structured binary CSPs [16]. There are several generalisations of BTP, for instance, to quantified CSPs [26], to existential patterns [10], to patterns on non-binary constraints [18], and other classes [34,17].The framewor...