“…Targeted marketing of SSB and other unhealthy foods to people of color and low socioeconomic status takes advantage of their more limited options for healthy food choices and their need for product affordability, while ignoring their greater risk for obesity and obesity-related diseases. Therefore, in response to question 4, we echo others [ 120 ••, 121 , 122 ••, 123 – 127 , 128 ••, 129 , 130 • 131 – 133 , 134 ••, 135 , 136 •, 137 – 149 , 150 •, 151 – 153 , 155 ••] in suggesting that proactive environmental measures to decrease exposure to palatable food cues, particularly in the form of targeted marketing to our vulnerable populations, is a necessary strategy for slowing the obesity epidemic.…”