The set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets aims to move the world to a sustainable trajectory of economic development, environmental sustainability, and social inclusion. This paper presents a review of relevant reports as well as scientific publications to assess the interlinkages between SDG 9 dealing with industrial innovation and infrastructure and SDGs relating to social inclusion (SDG 2 and 11), environmental sustainability (SDG 6, 13, and 15), and economic development (SDG 7). The identified interlinkages were mapped and characterized based on compatibility (co‐benefit, trade‐off, neutral) in attaining the targets of the considered SDGs. Our results showed that the co‐benefits were by far the most dominant interactions between the targets of SDG 9 and the targets of the SDGs that were considered. The targets of SDG 2 had the largest number of neutral interlinkages with the targets of SDG 9, while trade‐off interlinkages were found mainly between SDG 9 targets and the targets of SDG 6, 13, and 15. This review will raise awareness of the significance of understanding the nature of interlinkages between the different SDGs to relevant role players and will also inform and stimulate science–policy dialogue on the importance of interlinkages in the implementation, monitoring, and reporting of SDG 9 targets.