Against the backdrop of global epidemic, promoting the international communication of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is not only a matter of sustaining the development of TCM, but also a practical need to assist the worldwide fight against the epidemic. The communication of TCM in the United States must be taken seriously. As the only superpower in the world today, the United States has political, economic, and cultural edge unmatched by other countries, thus the dissemination of TCM in the U.S exerts, to some degree, a demonstrating and leading effect. The spread of TCM, from the mid-19th century to the early 20th century in the United States, created a new chapter in the development of TCM's international communication. However, the obstacles facing with TCM communication in the United States at that shouldn't be ignored. Through a systematic review of the development of TCM in the United States from the mid-19th century to the early 20th century, this paper summarizes the practical difficulties, the advantages and disadvantages, and analyzes the effective ways of TCM communication in the U.S at that time from the perspective of translation, which is an important part of international communication of TCM. Finally, which is of great importance for the foreign exchanges and international communication of TCM nowadays can be acquired.