The article aims to analyze the white paper prepared by an IFLA BSLISE Working Group in August 2018 — “Building Strong Library and Information Science Education: A Call to Global and Local Action”. The white paper was based on an international online survey, conducted in the spring of 2017, which had examined LIS qualification and certification requirements; the definition and meaning of a library and information science (LIS) “professional”; and agencies tasked with determining professional entry requirements.The article consistently reviews sections of the white paper, describes most important issues related to the current state of LIS education worldwide, quality assurance and internationalization of LIS programs, the impact of professional development and continuing education on LIS professionals. The action plan developed by the IFLA Working Group identifies most critical areas that require increased attention of the international professional community. It includes actions for the IFLA Working Group to undertake in 2018—2021.Findings of the international online survey and the white paper are of interest to the Russian professional community, especially to higher education institutions of culture that offer LIS programs (in Russia — “Library and Information Science activity”) at undergraduate and graduate levels.Having studied the white paper, the authors come to the conclusion that Russian experience in LIS education and training is unknown to foreign specialists. In order to solve this problem, the article offers recommendations: to develop a database gathering information about Russian LIS schools for posting it on the Russian Library Association website, to collect information about Russian LIS programs for posting it on the international resource “LIS Education Map”, etc.