This paper proposes a run-time mon*itor and bandwidth, assign,ment scheme f o r delay-sen3siti7~e trafic in A TM(as ync hro n,ous transfer m o d e ) n e two rk. Th. e t raff i c monitor f u n c t i o n is thou,gh,t t o be indispensable to support th,e QoS(qua1ity of ser~iices) of th,e accepted calls and ca,rry out th,e network resource m a n a g e m e n t eficiently at the same time. T h e proposed h e m e monitors u s e r data cells by ats counter i h i c h , zs rlriuen by system clocks and m,akes a report on th,e m30ni-tor results to the upper plane such, as control plane or mtwork management plane. This feature makes it possible to do the run-time bandwidth a s s i p m e n t and can m,oderately reduce the szze of cell buffers which i s ineiiitable to observe input cell rates an ezistiag traff i c con&&.Furthermore, a n y processing delays that are resulted f r o m usage parameter controls can also be eliminmted. T h e proposed scheme is conformed to eficiently manage th,e calls and relia