Augmented Reality Technologies as such have been known since the first decade of the 21st century. However, due to the relatively high costs of terminal equipment, the lack of mass demand in industries, their unpreparedness to implement augmented reality in production processes, the limited use of augmented reality in the educational process, etc., this technology did not become networked. In the broadest sense of this word, the traffic generated by augmented reality significantly affects both the principles of network construction and its planning. The article is devoted to studying the interaction of augmented reality applications and control methods for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The study was carried out experimentally using the developed experimental stand. During the experiment, an augmented reality application was used to control the UAV. The assessments of the quality of service of the network and subjective evaluations of the quality of perception were obtained. The Hurst parameter was used to determine the relationship between the quality of communication network service and the quality of perception. The parameters of the communication network maintenance are determined to ensure the specified rate of perception when controlling the UAV using the augmented reality application.