As camouflaged targets share visual characteristics with the environment within which they are embedded, searchers rarely have access to a perfect visual template of such targets. Instead, they must rely on less specific representations to guide search. Although search for camouflaged and non-specified targets have both received attention in the literature, to date they have not been explored in a combined context. Here we introduce a new paradigm for characterizing behavior during search for camouflaged targets in natural scenes, while also exploring how the fidelity of the target template affects search processes. Search scenes were created from forest images, with targets a distortion (varied size) of that image at a random location. In Experiment 1 a preview of the target was provided; in Experiment 2 there was no preview. No differences were found between experiments on nearly all measures. Generally, reaction times and accuracy improved with familiarity on the task (more so for small targets). Analysis of eye movements indicated that performance benefits were related to improvements in both Search and Target Verification time. Combined, our data suggest that search for camouflaged targets can be improved over a short time-scale, even when targets are poorly defined.