This article extends the discussion of the predictors of job crafting to include small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) working in an information and communication technologies (ICT)-based mobile and multilocational manner. Based on a survey ( N = 412) conducted in 43 Finnish SMEs, the job and personal resources-related predictors of approach and avoidance types of job crafting were analysed. From job resources, co-working, multilocality, the resources in the physical work environment, useful ICT and social support predicted the approach types of job crafting. Intrinsic motivation, relatedness and feeling competent as personal resources activated the approach types of job crafting. Drawing on background variables, being a younger firm activated job crafting. Avoidance type of job crafting was predicted positively by the resources in the physical work environment. This article suggests that knowledge about the predictors of job crafting encourages SMEs to activate this practice among its personnel.