word count 249
Text-only Word Count 3574
Number of Figures and Tables 3 tables, 1 figure. "Training intensity distribution in road cyclists: objective versus subjective measures" by Sanders D, Myers T, Akubat I.
AbstractPurpose: This study aims to evaluate training intensity distribution using different intensity measures based on session rating of perceived exertion (sRPE), heart rate (HR) and power output (PO) in well-trained cyclists. Methods: Fifteen road cyclists participated in the study. Training data was collected during a 10-week training period. Training intensity distribution was quantified using HR, PO and sRPE categorized in a 3-zone training intensity model. Three zones for HR and PO were based around a first and second lactate threshold. The three sRPE zones were defined using a 10-point scale: zone 1, sRPE scores 1-4; zone 2, sRPE scores 5-6; zone 3, sRPE scores 7-10. Results: Training intensity distribution as percentages of time spent in zone 1, zone 2 and zone 3 was moderate to very largely different for sRPE (44.9%, 29.9%, 25.2%) compared to HR (86.8%, 8.8%, 4.4%) and PO (79.5%, 9.0%, 11.5%). Time in zone 1 quantified using sRPE was large to very largely lower for sRPE compared to PO (P < 0.001) and HR (P < 0.001). Time in zone 2 and zone 3 was moderate to very largely higher when quantified using sRPE compared to intensity quantified using HR (P < 0.001) and PO (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Training intensity distribution quantified using sRPE demonstrates moderate to very large differences compared to intensity distributions quantified based on HR and PO. The choice of intensity measure impacts on the intensity distribution and has implications for training load quantification, training prescription and the evaluation of training characteristics.