The hospitality industry, from which hotels are a main part, is service intensive and consequently relies heavily on its human resources [1]. The hospitality industry is one of the oldest industries in the world, the fastest growing sector of the economy and a multi-billion dollar growing enterprise [2]. For a whole hotel to operate smoothly, it needs the involvement of staff of all departments: from the departments directly dealing with guests like Front Office, Housekeeping, Food and Beverages to back-office departments such as Accounting or Engineering [1]. Ghana's hotels contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the third quarter of 2012 grew by 31.8% [3]. This indicates the significance of the hospitality industry towards the overall growth of the country's economy and has long been recognized that tourism and hospitality have an impact on economic activity [4]. Improved capabilities, knowledge and skills of the talented employees proved to be a major source of competitive advantage in a global market [5]. Employees are major asset of any organisation since they play an active role towards a company's success [6]. As a result, equipping these unique assets through effective training becomes imperative in order to maximise the job performance and also position them to take on the challenges of today's competitive business climate [7]. Perhaps, the most effective way to develop employees is to give them training in their respective fields [8] and training has the distinct role in the achievement of an organizational goal by incorporating the interests of organisation and the workforce [7].