In the ever-changing world of professional training, organizations constantly seek innovative methods to boost learning outcomes. A prominent approach gaining traction involves serious games, which merge play and education. Serious games offer immersive learning, encouraging active participation, problem-solving, and skill growth. Unlike conventional methods, they provide a safe space to practice real-world scenarios, fostering decision-making and consequence awareness. Serious games find applications in healthcare, military, engineering, and business. Despite benefits, evaluating and adapting serious games remains challenging. Effective assessment measures are needed, catering to diverse learners. The framework for adaptive serious games (F4ASG) aims to tackle these issues. Based on literature amd expert standpoints, the F4ASG is detailed, outlining dimensions and aspects. It's exemplified shedding light on improvements. An experiment demonstrates F4ASG's efficacy in real-world training. Design, participants, data collection, and analysis are explained, followed by result discussions.