Purpose.-This study aims to describe the association of first trimester co-use of tobacco and cannabis with maternal immune response and psychosocial well-being, relative to tobacco use only. Methods.-A preliminary midpoint analysis included 138 pregnant women with biologically verified tobacco use, 38 of whom (28%) also tested positive for recent cannabis use. Maternal perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale), depressive symptoms (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale), and serum immune markers (IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNFα, CRP, MMP8), were collected, although cytokine data were only available for 122 women. Results.-Participant average age was 29.1 years, approximately half had a high school education or less, and half were unemployed. Compared to tobacco only users, co-users were more likely to be non-White, younger and more economically disadvantaged. In the adjusted linear regression models, TNF-α levels were significantly lower among co-users relative to tobacco only users, after adjusting for age, race/ethnicity, body mass index and tobacco use group (tobacco cigarettes, electronic nicotine delivery devices [ENDS] or both). TNF-α was the only immune marker found to be significant in this analysis. Measured stress levels (M=5.9, SD=3.3; potential range 0-16) and depression scores (M=7.8, SD=5.8; potential range 0-30) were low across all participants and did not differ as a function of co-use.