The main characteristic that distinguishes the Murgle housing estate from other residential areas in Ljubljana is its specific and unique urban design inspired by Scandinavian urbanism. The main goal of the paper is to present an evaluation of residents' satisfaction with the quality of the living environment, 50 years after its construction commenced. We also analyzed gradual spatial, urbanistic and social transformations of the neighborhood over time. On the basis of the survey carried on among the residents we established that the neighborhood, despite many unregulated interventions not in accordance with its urban design, maintained a high quality of living environment.Key words: Ljubljana, Murgle, quality of the living environment, urbanism, France Ivanšek
KAKOVOST BIVALNEGA OKOLJA V SOSESKI MURGLE -SKANDINAVSKI URBANIZEM V LJUBLJANI IzvlečekOsnovna značilnost, po kateri se soseska Murgle razlikuje od preostalih stanovanjskih območij v Ljubljani, je njena edinstvena urbanistična zasnova, ki izhaja iz tradicije skandinavskega urbanizma. Glavni namen prispevka je ocena zadovoljstva stanovalcev s kakovostjo bivalnega okolja 50 let po nastanku soseske. Poleg tega smo preučili postopno prostorsko, urbanistično in socialno preobrazbo soseske skozi čas. Na osnovi anketiranja prebivalstva smo ugotovili, da je soseska kljub številnim nedovoljenim posegom, ki niso skladni z osnovnim urbanističnim konceptom, zadržala visoko kakovost bivalnega okolja.