“…The area of Po land is di vided into two ma jor mag netic provinces by the NW-SE trending line. The north east ern prov ince, cor re spond ing to the EEC, is char ac ter ized by the pres ence of Narkiewicz et al, 2015), FSB -Fennoscandia-Sarmatia bound ary (af ter Bogdanova et al, 2015); Fennoscandia: MLSZ -Mid-Lith u a nian Su ture Zone, AMCG -An or thosite-Mangerite-Charnockite-Gran ite as so ci a tion, Pa leo zoic mas sifs: 1 -Olsztynek, 2 -M³awa, 3 -Pisz, 4 -E³k, 5 -Tajno; Sarmatia: BPGB -Belarus-Podlasie Granulite Belt, OHB -Okolovo-Holeszów Belt, IBZ -Ivano-Borisov Zone, OMIB -Osnitsk-Mikashevichi Ig ne ous Belt (af ter Krzemiñska et al, in press); Mesoproterozoic mas sifs of Fennoscandia: 6 -Kêtrzyn, 7 -Suwa³ki (af ter Kubicki and Ryka, 1982); other ex pla na tions as in Fig ure 4 in tense mag netic anom a lies. The south west ern prov ince is part of the youn ger Phanerozoic West Eu ro pean Plat form, where the over all in ten sity of ex ist ing mag netic anom a lies is def i nitely lower, ex cept for a few par tic u lar re gions.…”