Aim: To evaluate the feasibility and safety of direct trocar insertion for gaining access to peritoneal cavity in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Methods: An Observational study was conducted at Surgical unit II Ghulam Mohammad Mahar Medical College Hospital Sukkur from January 2016 to December 2020. Two thousand one hundred twenty (n=2120) patients were included in the study. All the patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy were included in the study. Informed and written consent was obtained from every patient to participate as study subject. Data was analyzed on SPSS version 16. Mean +/- standard deviation was calculated for age, first port access time and time to establish pneumoperitoneum. Results: Under general anesthesia with patient in supine posture, abdominal access gained by first making small incision of 10mm in skin and subcutaneous fat at sub umbilical region with No. 11 scalpel and then by direct trocar insertion followed by creation of pneumoperitoneum. Cholecystectomy performed. Study variables included first port access time, no. of attempts for DTI, extraperitoneal CO2 insufflation, port site bleeding, visceral injury, port site infection and port site hernia and were recorded on predesigned proforma. Variables like extraperitoneal CO2 insufflation, port site bleeding and visceral injury were expressed as percentage. Conclusion: We conclude that direct trocar insertion is the safe, quick and effective method for creation of pneumoperitoneum and should be employed routinely in all laparoscopic procedures. Keywords: Laparoscpy, Cholecystectomy, Trocars