The activity of the enzyme lactic dehydrogenase (ld) in bovine blood serum (Roussel & Stallcup, 1965a) and in semen (Roussel & Stallcup, 1965c), and of glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase (got) and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (gpt) in bovine blood serum (Roussel & Stallcup, 1965b) and semen have been previously reported and the literature reviewed (Flipse, 1960; Gregoire, Rakoff & Ward, 1961; Roussel & Stallcup, 1965d). The activity of the transaminases in the epididymal fluid of the ram has been reported by Alumot & Schindler (1965). The experiments reported here were undertaken to measure the activities of ld, got and gpt in bovine epididymal fluids compared to their activity in blood serum. Eight Aberdeen-Angus bulls, 14 months of age, were used in these studies. All animals were from the herds of the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, and a complete life history as to age, diet and management practices was available in connection with research concerned with animal breeding. Blood samples were obtained from the jugular vein of each bull 1 week before slaughter, transferred to screw cap vials, and cooled; after coagulation they