Abstraas a world language which is used from international trade to international media, and contributed the increase of communication among nations. Thus, the intercultural communication concept which investigates the process of communication among people of various cultures has gained importance.In the U.S.A. the field of intercultural communication emerged in 1950s with the work of linguist Lado, who linked the language and culture within educational framework and US Foreign Service Institute officer Hall, who developed the principles of intercultural communication to guide the Peace Corp staff (Kramsch, 2001). Early studies of intercultural communication focused on miscommunication, and comparative studies of mostly American and Asian cultures. In 1970s the knowledge gained from these studies were mainly used by international business society. Later, in 1980s international communication studies began to pay attention to interethnic conflicts within the U.S.A and informed teachers and social workers (Kramsch, 2001). Since then, with the Scollon and Scollon's study of Athabaskans, intercultural communication has been studied not only from psychological perspective but also from sociolinguistic and linguistic anthropology perspectives. Recently, scholars like Pennycook (1994Pennycook ( , 2001) approached the intercultural communication in English from critical perspective in relation to power and control.In English Language Teaching (ELT) field, the redefinition of English as an international language, which is used by various nations to communicate with each other has lead to reconceptualization of communication, and the role of culture in English language pedagogy. It is argued that the intercultural communications in English take place not only between native and nonnative speakers of English but also among nonnative speakers of the language. Thus, instead of teaching English by taking native speaker of English and her culture as a norm, it is proposed to teach English as an international language by taking bilingual speakers who can function in multiple cultures as a norm. Therefore, the notion of "intercultural communicative competence" has emerged as the new goal of English language learning by replacing native speaker based notion of "communicative competence" (Alptekin, 2002;Byram, 1997).In this paper, I first illustrate the communication studies' (psychological) approach to intercultural communication by discussing how they define culture, and communication, and how they approach intercultural communication. Second, I explain the discourse approach to intercultural communication and discuss how discourse approach differs from communication studies' approach. Third, I demonstrate the critical approaches to using English for intercultural communications. Finally, I discuss how intercultural communication can be addressed in language classrooms. International Communication studies examine "mass-mediated communication between two or more countries with differing backgrounds" (Rogers, & Hart, 2002, 5). The ...