Orthopantomography (OPG), which is also known as panoramic radiography, pantomography, and panoramic imaging, proved its efficacy in infection, trauma, jaw lesions, tumor cases, etc. Calcification of the soft tissues in perimaxillary and perimandibular regions can also be visualized on OPG images. Reports clearly showed sialolith occurrence in the parotid gland in 10%, in submandibular gland in 83%, and in sublingual and minor salivary glands in 7%. Typically, sialoliths are visualized on the panoramic radiographs as radiopaque lesions. They are of round or oval shape, cylindrical or irregularly-shaped calcifications. Only in limited cases, sialoliths can be X-ray negative. The research data shows -from 10 to 20% the salivary stones are radiolucent. Digital OPG combines a lot of advantages. In summary, digital orthopantomography proved its efficacy in diagnostics of sialoliths located in the submandibular gland and its duct. Simultaneously, OPG is more than useful for diagnosis establishment and control of treatment for neighboring specialties.