Most germ cell tumors (GCTs) arise from intratubular germ cell neoplasias (IGCNUs, also referred to as carcinoma in situ), which are thought to originate from a transformed fetal germ cell, the gonocyte. However, the nature of the molecular pathways involved in IGCNU formation remains elusive. Therefore, identification of novel oncofetal markers is an important prerequisite to further our understanding of the etiology of this tumor entity. In the present study, we show that in humans AP-2g is expressed in gonocytes at weeks 12-37 of gestation, indicating a role of this transcription factor in fetal germ cell development. AP-2g and c-KIT, a known target of AP-2 transcription factors, were coexpressed in gonocytes, making a direct regulation possible. With increasing differentiation of fetal testis, gradual downregulation of AP-2g from the 12th to 37th week of gestation was observed. Furthermore, AP-2g was expressed abundantly in 25/25 IGCNUs, 52/53 testicular seminomas, 10/10 metastatic seminomas, 9/9 extragonadal seminomas and 5/5 dysgerminomas. In embryonal carcinomas and choriocarcinomas, focal staining only was observed. Spermatocytic seminomas, teratomas and yolk sac tumors as well as normal adult testis and various control tissues were negative for AP-2g. The expression pattern of AP-2g, like that of other oncofetal markers, supports the model of a gonocytal origin of IGCNUs and germ cell tumors. Finally, our results provide the basis for applying AP-2g immunohistochemistry to the detection of GCT, a tumor entity with a steadily growing incidence in the male population worldwide. ' 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Key words: AP-2g; gonocyte; neoplastic; seminoma; germ cell tumor The most abundant malignancies among men aged 17-45 are GCTs. 1 They comprise a heterogeneous group of neoplasms in terms of their histology, marker expression and age at manifestation. First described by Skakkebaek in 1972, the common precursor lesion of all GCTs, IGCNU (CIS, TIN, IGCN), arises from transformation of a gonocyte. 2,3 Markers commonly used for immunohistology, such as OCT3/4, PLAP and c-KIT, are expressed in gonocytes as well as IGCNUs and some stages of GCT, further supporting this model. TFAP2C belongs to a family of 5 closely related genes that are involved in the morphogenesis of craniofacial, urogenital, neural crest and placental tissues. 4 AP-2 transcription factors are believed to regulate the expression of several genes involved in cell growth and differentiation during development. 5 AP-2g is essential for mammalian embryonic development because embryonic trophectodermal cells fail to proliferate in AP-2g knockout mice. 6,7 In transgenic studies, overexpression of AP-2g impaired differentiation of epithelial cells of the mammary gland and the seminal vesicle. 8 Besides trophoblastic and neuroectodermal lineage, AP-2g can be detected in lung, testis and ovary. 9,10 In human tumors, AP-2g is upregulated in certain stages of melanoma 11 and breast cancer. 12,13 In the present study, we investigated the expression of AP-2...