Pattern formation in development has been principally studied in tissues that are not undergoing extensive cellular rearrangement. However, in most developmental contexts, gene expression domains emerge as cells re-arrange their spatial positions within the tissue, providing an additional, and seldom explored, level of complexity to the process of pattern formation in vivo. To investigate this issue, we addressed the regulation of TBox expression in the pre-somitic mesoderm (PSM) as this tissue develops in zebrafish embryos. Here, cells must differentiate in a manner that leads to well-defined spatial gene expression domains along the tissue while undergoing rapid movements to generate axial length. We find that in vivo, mesoderm progenitors undergo TBox differentiation over a broad range of time scales while in vitro their differentiation is simultaneous. By reverse-engineering a gene regulatory network (GRN)to recapitulate TBox gene expression, we were able to predict the population-level differentiation dynamics observed in culture, but not in vivo. In order to address this discrepancy in differentiation dynamics we developed a Live Modelling framework that allowed us to simulate the GRN on 3D tracking data generated from large-scale time-lapse imaging datasets of the develop-ing PSM. Once the network was simulated on a realistic representation of the cells morphogenetic context, the model was able to recapitulate the range of differentiation time scales observed in vivo, and revealed that these were necessary for TBox gene expression patterns to emerge correctly at the level of the tissue. This work thus highlights a previously unappreciated role for cell movement as a driver of pattern formation in development.