This review examines the signaling pathways from the developmental and environmental point of view and the interactions among external conditions, hormonal regulations, and sugarsensing in wheat. Grain development is the key phase of reproductive growth that is closely associated with vegetative organ senescence, initiation of grain filling, pre-stored assimilates remobilization, and maturation. Senescence is characterized by loss of chlorophyll and the degradation of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids as well as nutrient exports to the sink. The initiation and progression of vegetative organ senescence are under the control of an array of environmental signals (such as biotic and abiotic stresses, darkness, and nutrient availability) and endogenous factors (including aging, multiple hormones, and sugar availability). This review will discuss the major breakthroughs in signal transduction for the wheat (Triticum aestivum) grain development achieved in the past several years, with focuses on the regulation of senescence, reserves remobilization and biosynthesis of main components of the grain. Different mechanisms of diverse signals in controlling different phrases of wheat grain development, and cross talks between different signaling pathways will also be discussed. For perspectives, key signaling networks for grain development remain to be elucidated, including cross talks and the interactions between various environmental factors and internal signals.