KLF4 (GKLF/EZF) encodes a transcription factor that is associated with both tumour suppression and oncogenesis. We describe the identification of KLF4 in a functional genomic screen for genes that bypass RAS V12 -induced senescence. However, in untransformed cells, KLF4 acts as a potent inhibitor of proliferation. KLF4-induced arrest is bypassed by oncogenic RAS V12 or by the RAS target cyclin-D1. Remarkably, inactivation of the cyclin-D1 target and the cell-cycle inhibitor p21 CIP1 not only neutralizes the cytostatic action of KLF4, but also collaborates with KLF4 in oncogenic transformation. Conversely, KLF4 suppresses the expression of p53 by directly acting on its promoter, thereby allowing for RAS V12 -mediated transformation and causing resistance to DNA-damage-induced apoptosis. Consistently, KLF4 depletion from breast cancer cells restores p53 levels and causes p53-dependent apoptosis. These results unmask KLF4 as a regulator of p53 that oncogenically transforms cells as a function of p21 CIP1 status. Furthermore, they provide a mechanistic explanation for the context-dependent oncogenic or tumour-suppressor functions of KLF4.Krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF4/GKLF/EZF) 1,2 is a transcription factor that can both activate and repress genes that are involved in cell-cycle regulation and differentiation. Among the KLF4-regulated cell-cycle genes, many upregulated genes are inhibitors of proliferation, whereas genes that promote proliferation are repressed 3 . This indicates that KLF4 regulates the expression of a set of cell-cycle genes to coordinately inhibit cellular proliferation. In keeping with this is the notion that ectopic expression of KLF4 acts cytostatically 1,4,5 . Moreover, KLF4 levels rise following DNA damage, cell-cycle arrest in response to serum withdrawal and contact inhibition 1,6 . Similarly, KLF4 levels are increased in the post-mitotic compartment of the gut and skin 1,2 . In mice, ectopic expression of Klf4 accelerates terminal differentiation, leading to premature skin-barrier acquisition 7 , whereas Klf4 deficiency prevents the terminal differentiation of colonic goblet cells 8 and the skin epithelium 9 , which leads to neonatal death 9 . These observations establish KLF4 as a stress-and differentiation-associated inhibitor of proliferation 10 , raising the possibility that KLF4 may have tumour-suppressive functions 8,11,12 .Indeed, KLF4 expression is frequently lost in various human cancer types 11,[13][14][15][16][17][18][19] . Recently, KLF4 has been shown to undergo promoter methylation and loss of heterozygosity in gastrointestinal cancer 16,17 . Consistent with a tumour-suppressor function for KLF4, its overexpression reduces the tumorigenicity of colonic and gastric cancer cells in vivo 17,20 . These observations, taken together, indicate that KLF4 acts as a tumour suppressor. This notion is further supported by recent data showing that specific ablation of Klf4 in the gastric epithelium of mice results in premalignant changes, including polypoid lesions 18 .Conversely, elevated K...