INTRODUCTION: Recurrent miscarriage (RM) defi ned as 2 or more spontaneous miscarriage before 20 weeks of gestation, affects at least 1 % of couples trying to conceive. In over 50 % of cases, the cause of the loss of pregnancy remains unexplained. Reduced expression of Angiogenic factors such as: vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A) and VEGF-C has been linked with spontaneous miscarriage, likely due to defective foetal and placental angiogenesis. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To investigate the relationships between serum level of VEGF-A and VEGF-C with clinical characteristic in women with URM and compare to pregnant and healthy women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A case-control study, which was conducted between 90 non-pregnant women with history of RM, age-matched with 70 non-pregnant women without history of recurrent abortion with at least one child (controls) and 70 pregnant women without history of recurrent abortion with at least one child (controls). Those with unexplained RM were eligible. Demographic and Anthropometric data were retrieved by pre-test questionnaire and serum level of VEGF-A and VEGF-C measured by ELISA kit. RESULTS: This study showeds that maternal levels of VEGF-A and VEGF-C were distinctly lower in RSA (189.87±88.1 vs 238.8±99.6) compared to healthy (239.1±99.7 vs 275.5±133.08) and pregnant (301.5±76.4 vs 402.5±128.6) women as control groups. Univariate analysis demonstrated that clinical characteristic factors were signifi cantly associated with concentration of VEGF-A and VEGF-C in cases and controls. CONCLUSIONS: Our fi ndings suggest that these molecules could be used as potential predictive markers of miscarriage in these women presenting with URM (Tab. 4, Fig. 5, Ref. 40). Text in PDF