The differentiation of the bipotential 02Aprogenitor cell into an oligodendrocyte or a type 2 astrocyte has been well documented in cell cultures of various regions of the central nervous system. The appropriate tools to prove its existence in vivo have been lacking. We report on an in vitro-in vivo approach that combines stable labeling of an enriched population of cultured 02A progenitors by the fluorescent dye fast blue, followed by their transplantation into neonatal rat brains, which allowed us to study the influence of the brain microenvironment on their lineage decision. Recently, the existence of type 2 astrocytes in vivo has been questioned (6, 7). Raffand coworkers (5) have estimated the in vivo appearance of type 1 astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and type 2 astrocytes in the rat optic nerve to be at postnatal day 0 (PO), P4, and P15, respectively. However, a light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical analysis of [3H]thymidine pulse-labeled developing rats has revealed only two periods of astrocyte and oligodendrocyte generations, the earliest being that of GFAP+ cells near PO followed by a wave of oligodendrocytes at P4-P8 (6, 7). A major obstacle to resolve this controversy has been the lack of appropriate markers to identify type 2 astrocytes in the brain (5). The antibody A2B5 is not a reliable marker in tissue sections because it stains unrelated cell types and intracellular structures (for review, see refs. 7 and 8).In this study, we propose an approach to compare the fate of 02A progenitors in the in vivo vs. in vitro environment. An enriched population of 02A progenitors in culture was labeled with the fluorescent dye fast blue (FB) and transplanted into neonatal rat brains. The phenotypic differentiation of 02A cells was studied in tissue sections by single and double immunolabeling and examined by fluorescence microscopy to visualize grafted cells and their progeny. We have reported (9) that FB-labeled cultured glial cells transplanted into normal and myelin-deficient (md) Wistar rats remain identifiable in immunostained tissue sections up to 6 months after grafting (9). We now report that transplanted 02A progenitors in vivo develop into oligodendrocytes but not astrocytes.
MATERIALS AND METHODSAnimals. Normal Wistar and md Wistar rat pups were raised in our breeding colonies. Rats were housed in a restricted-access temperature-controlled vivarium on a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle, with free access to food and water. Fifty percent of pups born to previously identified female carriers of the md trait are genetically normal (+/y) and 50% carry the md trait (md/y). Males ofboth genotypes were used at P5 as recipients for cell transplants.Cell Culture. Primary cultures were prepared from newborn rat brains as described (10). These cultures were maintained in Waymouth medium supplemented with 10% (vol/ vol) fetal calf serum. After 9 days in culture, 02A cells growing on top ofthe astrocyte monolayer (type 1 astrocytes) were removed by a modification of the method of McCarthy and de Vel...