the holothurian Eupentacta fraudatrix is a unique organism for studying regeneration mechanisms. Moreover, E. fraudatrix can quickly restore parts of its body and entire organ systems, yet at the moment, there is no data on the participation of stem cells in the process. to the contrary, it has been repeatedly confirmed that this process is only due to the transformation of terminally differentiated cells. in this study, we examine changes in gene expression during gut regeneration of the holothurian E. fraudatrix. transcriptomes of intestinal anlage of the three stages of regeneration, as well as the normal gut, were sequenced with an Illumina sequencer (San Diego, CA, USA). We identified 14,617 sea urchin protein homologs, of which 308 were transcription factors. After analysing the dynamics of gene expression during regeneration and the map of biological processes in which they participate, we