The biochemistry of visual excitation is kinetically explored by measuring the activity of the cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) at light levels that activate only a few tens of rhodopsin molecules per rod. At 23°C and in the presence of ATP, the pulse of PDE activity lasts 4 s (full width at half maximum). Complementing the rod outer segments (ROS) with rhodopsin kinase (RK) and arrestin or its splice variant p44 does not significantly shorten the pulse. But when the ROS are washed, the duration of the signal doubles. Adding either arrestin or p44 back to washed ROS approximately restores the pulse width to its initial value, with p44 being 10 times more efficient than arrestin. This supports the idea that, in vivo, capping of phosphorylated R* is mostly done by p44. When myristoylated (14:0) recoverin is added to unwashed ROS, the pulse duration and amplitude increase by about 50% if the free calcium is 500 nM. This effect increases further if the calcium is raised to 1 ,uM. Whenever R* deactivation is changed-when RK is exogenously enriched or when ATP is omitted from the buffer-there is no impact on the rising slope of the PDE pulse but only on its amplitude and duration. We explain this effect as due to the unequal competition between transducin and RK for R*. The kinetic model issued from this idea fits the data well, and its prediction that enrichment with transducin should lengthen the PDE pulse is successfully validated.
arrestin (7, 8). How would this difference manifest itself kinetically?A physiologically relevant measurement of PDE activity must meet two challenges. First, this activity can only be measured from suspensions of highly disrupted rod outer segment (ROS) fragments, where the loss of soluble and peripheral proteins is a major concern. During preparation of ROS, there is loss at several washing steps, especially of the highly soluble arrestin. During the experiment itself, if the ROS concentration is less than 25 ,uM rhodopsin, peripheral proteins such as transducin and PDE get spontaneously solubilized (9). Second, the pHmetric method is widely used to measure PDE activity (10), but it lacks the required sensitivity. A dark-adapted rod saturates electrically when only a few tens of its 108 rhodopsin molecules are photoactivated. At such light levels, the pH electrode detects nothing. We deal with potential losses of proteins by using a high concentration of membrane to prevent spurious solubilization of peripheral species and by supplementing the ROS with purified or recombinant proteins such as arrestin, p44, RK, and recoverin. As for the issue of sensitivity, the novel technique of time-resolved microcalorimetry (3) is used to follow the time course of PDE* at illumination levels comparable with those seen by a live, dark-adapted rod.